Uses and features: The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Na-eme ihe owuwu nke Grammatị, yabụ igwe nwere ike dị ukwuu ma debe ya. 2. Isi okwu Punch nwere ike imegharị transveryly, ruo n'ógbè anya dị iche iche zuru oke na arụmọrụ ahụ adịghị mma. 3. Laghachi na strok nke platen platlen iji belata ọnya ọnya na-eme ka ...
Uses and features: The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys , ụlọ ọrụ, ụgbọala na ọrụ ndị ọzọ. 1. Hapụ usoro nke kọlụm anọ na cylinder abụọ iji ruo nnukwu tonnele mgbe ịkpụ ma chekwaa ike. 2. Ibelata ike na-adịgide adịgide, nke kwesịrị ekwesị maka ịkpụ SP azụmahịa SP ...
A na-eji 40T 40T 300N 400N 500k hydraulic nrụgide na-egbukekpụ na-egbukepụ igwe na-adịghị mma na-egbukepụ igwe na atụmatụ: Mpempe akwụkwọ, plastik, na-emuo akpụkpọ anụ, na-emuo akpụkpọ anụ, pvc na ihe ndị ọzọ dị n'ụdị a na-egbu egbu na-eme ihe na-ahazi akpụkpọ anụ, na-emepụta akwa, ikpe, na akpa, ihe ụmụaka ji egwuri egwu na ndị ọzọ Industrieslọ ọrụ. 1
Hydraulic Receding Head Die Cutting Press 1.It is for cutting the following material:Rubber,Foam,Textiles,Plastics,Cork,Laminates,Composites,Felt etc., 2.The material to be cut is mounted on a stationary table that securely holds Ihe omume a, na-ezere nsogbu mgbanwe ọ bụla. 3.Ọ bụ hydraulic na-agbada isi okwu na-egbu egbu dị mfe iji na obere ike ọgwụgwụ nke onye na-ahụ maka ọrụ. Site na iji ngwa ngwa dị mfe, gbanwee ọrụ ngwa ngwa yana ọrụ ịkpụ ngwa ngwa, ọrụ kachasị bụ ACI ...
Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. Servo moto na-anyụ ihe iji si n'otu akụkụ igwe na-esite. Mgbe ị wepụrụ ihe ndị ahụ site n'akụkụ nke ọzọ maka ikwupụta ihe na-eziga ihe na-eziga ihe ọ bụla na-ekwu okwu. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Na-eme ihe owuwu nke Grammatị, yabụ igwe nwere ike dị ukwuu ma debe ya. 2. Isi okwu Punch nwere ike imegharị transveryly, ruo n'ógbè anya dị iche iche zuru oke na arụmọrụ ahụ adịghị mma. 3. Weghachite strok nke platen platen iji belata strok strok ma melite ike ...
Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. Servo moto na-anyụ ihe iji si n'otu akụkụ igwe na-esite. Mgbe ị wepụrụ ihe ndị ahụ site n'akụkụ nke ọzọ maka ikwupụta ihe na-eziga ihe na-eziga ihe ọ bụla na-ekwu okwu. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various synthetic materials. 1. A na-ejikwa usoro Axis na-ejikwa akpa akpa akpa akpaka nke na-enye mmanụ iji mee ka ọrụ nke igwe dị ogologo. 2. Jiri aka ya rụọ ọrụ site na aka ya abụọ, nke dị mma ma nwee ntụkwasị obi. 3. Mpaghara nke cutlọ mmiri na-egbute buru ibu iji belata nnukwu ihe. 4. Ọ dị omimi nke ike mbepụ dị mfe ma zie ezi. 5. T th ...
Qiangcheng zuru oke na-egbu egbu na-eji mpempe akwụkwọ na-eji nnukwu egbu egbu, kachasị njọ dị ka ịkpụ. Ya mere gerson zuru oke ịnwụ na-ebipụta ebe a na-ejikarị ebe niile mgbe ị na-enwe ike na mgbe a na-eji nnukwu ụdị anwụ. The following material soft and semi-rigid material can be used for die cutting : Leather: leathergoods ,shoe uppers, wallets, purses, belts,shoes, insoles, insole socks, uppers, straps Paper: stationery, novelties, filters, labels,Insulation ...
Iji na atụmatụ: igwe dị mma maka ịkpụ ihe ndị a na-ejighị eme ihe dịka nzukọ akpa, obere ihe ụmụaka ji egwuri egwu, mma ihe eji achọ mma na obere. 1. Ntughari nke ogwe aka Swing na-agbanwe agbanwe, ọrụ na nhọrọ ihe dị mma. 2. A na-ahazi bọket na-enweghị atụ na ogidi dị elu ma hazie ya n'ime ogidi, nke dị elu na ala na-akwado ntụgharị na-akwadogharị na ezigbo ntụkwasị obi nke ndị na-akụ osisi dị elu. 3. Mgbanwe ahụ bụ opeketa ...